3 Questions.

My teaching career started when I was a student. I had two types of teachers: those that inspired me, and those who did not. As a student, I wasn't aware of the techniques or pedagogy employed by either types of teachers. All I knew is that-for example, my high school history teacher Mr. Lindfors, made class magical.

Years later, at university, 'magic' became defined by terms like: SLOs, classroom management and scaffolding. These and many other best practices began to demystify my observation of my teachers, and my own teaching.

Today, throughout my MANY years of teaching college-level ESL full-time, I have engaged in this magical endeavor. 3 questions have surfaced, and have guided me. These questions are what I believe students are asking (consciously or unconsciously).

Students ask: 1. Do you know what you are talking about? 2. Can I trust you? 3. Do you care about me?

First, I need to continually learn about teaching, and through teaching, I have learned even more. Over the whole of my career I have attended and presented at over twenty-six teaching conferences. I regularly read publications, articles and online posts. I've published two books and a few other shorter works as well. I have written two new books, one nearly ready for publication, other i’m slowly grinding out.

Second, diligence is another key to teaching success. There are no shortcuts to giving meaningful and timely feedback. Moreover, backing up what you promise can really increase a student's trust in their teacher. Over the years, I have been able to deliver what I have promised in the classroom.

Number three is a tough one. How does one measure caring? I truly care for my students. This caring has been the strongest motivating factor for me maintaining the high level of care for my students- whether it's holding extra office hours, chatting before and after class, or even helping students with personal issues. Without this caring I would have changed careers years ago. I am not ashamed to speak of love as my most powerful teaching tool.

The global pandemic has upturned teachers, staff, and students everywhere. It has forced the hands of all to adapt and re-think what teaching and learning is. It was a truly energizing time for me as I wiped my desk clean (figuratively and metaphorically) to meet these demands. Today, I feel confident of this new era of teaching and learning, and I feel ready to face it head on with knowledge, diligence and yes, love.
