TEFL Poster Session Spring 2012

Each of you are required to create a 'graphical representation of something you have learned' in any of your TEFL courses. After creating your poster, you will need to participate in our public TEFL Poster Session on June 14th from 2pm to 4pm in room UXB 107. Participation means that you will need to stand by your poster and be ready to give short 3-5 minute explanations of what your poster topic is and why it was compelling for you. Your audience will be: TEFL teachers, ESL teachers, UC Irvine administrative staff, ESL students, professional program students and UC Irvine students. Please pick up a blank poster board at Roger's office from this week on. Should you need some help determining what you want to focus on then please make an appointment with Roger. Roger also has samples of posters already completed by TEFL students from previous programs. You may also want to view the 'Poster Session Design' powerpoint presentation online. Here is the link: tefl.posterous.com/poster-session-design-64706

And here is a link to a video of the last TEFL Poster Sesssion: tefl.posterous.com/tag/postersession

Steps to Remember:
1. Pick a topic that is specific enough to give a poster presentation.
2. You might want to visit Roger's office and take a look at the different examples students have made in the past.
3. Pick up a poster board from Roger's office.
4. View the Poster Session Design presentation online.
5. Plan and create your poster.
6. Rehearse with a classmate your 3-5 minute talk that you would be giving on the Poster Session date.
7. On the day of the Poster Session, I urge you to dress professionally. Look like a teacher. Thanks!


POSTERous Session Epiphany

Just had a posterous epiphany yesterday. We held a poster session, a required piece for our TEFL training program. Our students created posters demonstrating their knowledge on a topic that they had learned in the program. We opened up the session to our department staff, students, interested parties. For two hours our soon-to-be-graduated students talked to mostly strangers about their posters. One colleague of mine asked his students to interview and review each poster and poster presenter. They had two hours, one hour to interview, and then back in class, they would debate on which posters were done well. They had to vote on the three best ones. As these students were leaving, I was chatting with this colleague about what he had planned to do. I offered to take quick snapshots of each poster with my iPad and upload these pictures to our posterous program blog (tefl.posterous.com). He went back to his class and with the classroom projector, showed the snapshots (uploaded to posterous) to his class and they debated. He later said that it worked exceptionally well, that his students were able to discuss more effectively with the visual aid of the snapshots. It took me all of 5 minutes-during the crazy chaos of the poster session- to upload the poster snapshots to our program blog. Minutes later, my colleague (in a different part of campus) was using these snapshots for his class. Amazing, easy, and fast. Thanks Posterous!