Final Scenario C

FInal Scenario C

There is a book that has just reached the top five best-sellers list in the country of Morcadia.  It is written by a very successful second language learner.  The book claims to give a guaranteed method for learning a second language.  It proposes five steps: Day 1, Watch one movie in your target language one time.  During the movie, write down key dialog as you hear it.  Day 2, memorize the dialogs and say them out loud as if you are having a conversation with a real person.  Day 3, identify key words and phrases and look them up in the dictionary if you don’t know the meaning. Memorize these meanings. Day 4, make new sentences with the words you memorized on Day3.  Read them out loud many times.  Day 5, watch the movie again and speak along with the dialogs you studied.  Is this a viable method for language learning?  Why or why not?  Discuss in detail each point made above.